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Say You’re One of Them.

Unforgettable book, that treats such wide ranging topics from child smuggling to rage, irrationality and genocide, to the pogrom in Nigeria to the hell that is Kibera and many more. Touching & Haunting and I still am unable to understand why some critics depreciate it as a case of Pity Porn!

Fiction & Development

Uninhibited, Despairing, Tragic, Frustrating, Bleak, Vivid, Provoking!  Talk of a book you will hate to Love… this is it. This Jesuit Priest cum writer Uwem Akpan has done for vulnerable African children what I think many writers, legion of documentaries and western mass Media have not. He travelled into the depth of these children’s darkness with a Candle light to reveal to the world how life has smeared their windshields.

Despite being a New York Times #bestseller, making the Caine Prize list and being notably selected by the Oprah Book Club, I was discouraged IMG_6751from reading this book severally by friends who found it a very difficult read. Now I know why. The author Uwem Akpan in this collection of short stories did not write to entertain, he wrote to inform. In capturing the detailed realities of children in modern Africa, the writer ought to write like…

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The Heart of Darkness

Great Review of a novella that treats colonialism and racism. Some isms never die! Btw, I saw ‘la chicotte” when I served in the DRC!

Fiction & Development

My first thought was that this book had to be a Sea Man’s story and yes it was. On a pleasure ship called Nellie, a narrator who remained unknown through the novel introduces us to men bonding on the sea; one of them was Marlow. Through casual mediation, Marlow reflects on the dark places of the earth as England would have been before the Romans visited it.

Charlie Marlow shares the glories of his exploration as a fresh-water sailor, wanderer seaman whose home is the sea with a passion for maps. He is familiar with living in the world of water and the silent surroundings. Fascinated by the delightful discovery of the unknown places, he finds an inviting place on the map and hankers after it.  It was that mighty big river resembling an immense snake uncoiled, with its head in the sea, its body at rest curving…

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Whither Nigeria?

Noel Ihebuzor
saber rattlers have seized the foreground
on a tattered,tiring and tired floor
jokers and jesters,
hustlers and jostlers
with ill defined mandates
pretend to speak for constituents
with fuzzy boundaries,
(some drawn for tongues,
others contrived assemblages,
specious oddities in space),
in this madding maddening crowd,
in the sullying crudity,
sense and decency cease
reason is treason
dialogue is drowned
by the chorused curses
of angst possessed demagogues
and all, all, are sucked
onto a withering lane
towards a vortex of violence